Test Your Toys for the Japan Market: STC is Accredited by JTA & MHLW

18 May 2021

STC is Accredited by Japan Toy Association (JTA) and Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)

We offer 5 working days turnaround time, free local sample pick-up in Hong Kong and technical supports.

- Japan Toy Safety Standard 
- Japan Food Sanitation Law

Japan Toy Safety Requirements

Designated toys that are intended for infants in Japan shall comply with the mandatory safety requirements of Section II: Implements, Containers, and Packaging and/or Section IV: Toys in accordance with the Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under Food Sanitation Law.

Japan Toy Safety Standard (ST Standard) established by the Japan Toy Association provides toy manufacturers, retailers and consumers with additional safeguard on toys through the ST Mark scheme for toys intended for children up to the age of 14.

In general, materials used on toys shall not contain toxic substances that include:

- Synthetic coloring matters that are not complying with the standards except for approved food colours and designated colouring agents;

- Eluted substances from Polyethylene (PE), Polyvinyl chloride(PVC), Polyurethene (PU), rubber (silicone rubber):
  > Heavy Metal (as Pb)
  > Arsenic (as As₂O₃)
  > Cadmium

- Heavy metals in paint coatings

- Phthalates in plasticized materials (PVC, PU & rubber)

- Soluble lead in metal jewelry toys

Imported and manufactured toys for Japan should be tested by a designated testing laboratory to demonstrate conformity to the Food Sanitation Law or the ST standard. STC is a designated overseas testing laboratory in Hong Kong for both.

- Food Sanitation Law
- Japan Toy Safety Standard (ST Standard)
